Articles for Walking Urgent Care in Coral Springs, FL
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What to Know About Mono
Sometimes referred to as the kissing disease, mononucleosis (mono) is a viral infection that you may contract through saliva or possible other bodily fluid, depending on the virus. Fortunately, long-term complications are rare. Moreover, an urgent care facility offers testing and can help you manage your symptoms. Plus, if you receive a diagnosis, you’ll know to take precautions to prevent others from acquiring it….
Recreational Water-Related Illnesses and Injuries
With the warmer weather comes days of fun in the sun. If your summer plans include plenty of pool-filled adventures, take a look at what you need to know about your child’s health and water safety…..
5 Reasons Your Minor Injury Needs Stitches
Cuts and tears to the skin do not always cause people to rush to receive medical care. Many times, the injury can seem minor but will continue to cause problems for the victim. Cuts that look insignificant may become more serious than expected. Stitches can help to reduce the risks possible with even a minor cut. Here are some examples of when to seek medical help……
Stress Foot Fractures: What You Need to Know
If you seriously hurt your foot during a high-impact workout session but don’t see any clear signs of a broken bone, you may wait to see if the injury heals itself. Even if you don’t see any clear signs of a bone fracture, you still want to see an urgent care doctor soon. You could have a stress fracture somewhere in your foot…….
What You Need to Know About Common Rashes
Rashes are incredibly common, especially in the summer months. Rashes you get while hiking or enjoying the great weather can cause great pain and irritation. Often caused by plants, medications, and even household products, rashes can do more than dampen your day. Read on to learn more about rashes……..
Ankle Sprained During Athletic Competition? Urgent Care Can Help
In-shape athletes work hard to keep their body healthy and to avoid serious injuries that could impact their competitive abilities. Unfortunately, even the strongest and most prepared athlete could suffer from a painful ankle sprain during a significant competition. Thankfully, high-quality urgent care providers can help minimize the potential impact of this sprain and keep an athlete active……..
When Influenza Strikes: 5 Do’s and Don’ts
Influenza, often referred to as the flu, is a serious upper respiratory disease that may cause complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia. If you have been stricken with the flu, there are several measures you should take, as well as a few things to avoid. To help you recover faster, and avoid complications, consider the following do’s and don’ts…….
Starting a New Exercise Plan? Get a Physical Before You Do
If you’re ready to embark on a new exercise plan, be sure to get a physical before you do. Once you enter your mid-30s, your heart, lungs, and other joints gradually decline in health. Some of the age-related changes can lead to arthritis and high blood pressure, both of which can affect how well you exercise. Here are two conditions to check for before you start any exercise plan……..
5 Situations in Which Medical Attention Is Necessary for Knee Pain
If you have a profusely bleeding leg or a broken bone, you probably will call 911. But if your knee pain isn’t quite that dramatic, how do you make the distinction between something that a doctor should definitely look at right now and a minor strain that just needs to be iced?……..